Daniel Perkins

Daniel Perkins

Why you should get an .eth domain.

It comes down to asymmetric upside of a technology that keeps non-fungible, public records.

The clearest use cases for blockchain tech right now are:

  1. Inflation and fraud proof currency.
  2. Verifiable identity across the web (the .eth domain).
  3. NFT's - I'm not getting into this one.

The asymmetric upside is similar when adopting any new tech. Asymmetric upside means the upside potential is much greater than the downside risk. You're betting that blockchain tech, specifically Ethereum, will be a widely adopted way to verify identity on the web.

Being an early adopter comes with benefits. Let's take domain names for example. Check out this tweet about the marketing benefits of owning .com vs .io.

Obviously, you dont have to make a startup for this to apply. This is just to illustrate the benefit of being first to have your name verified on the Ethereum blockchain. You can see why being an early adopter on the web has its advantages.

Most devs are on Ethereum ecosystem, so, becasue of network effects, that's where I want to invest since that's where creators are spending most of their time. I'm also keeping close watch on Solana - SOL is similar to ETH but has lower network congestion and higher transaction speeds.

It comes down to if you think, in 10 years, this tech will be important to the internet.

Also check out Google searches for Ethereum over the past 5 years.